MUM in Mission
Throughout the year MUM's Holy Hands quilters give several people warm "hugs" from MUM in the form of prayer quilts blessed during worship servIces as well as hand sewn bears for new babies.
Our Outreach Ministry provides 6 dinners a year for the people at the EECM shleter in East Liberty. Different groups from the church prepare, serve and donate the meals in February, April, June, August, October and December.
We have several volunteers helping with Garden City Food Pantry and Holiday Park Food Pantry.
March 20, 2022, we assembled 95 Hygiene Kits with Katie Peterson from the Eastbrook Mission Barn. $1,171 was donated to purchase kit supplies and to donate directly to the Mission Barn.
March 2022, a Love Offering of $2,922 was sent to help the people of Ukraine.
March 2022, over $1,000 was given to the Preschool through their Car Wash fundraiser.
April 2022, Our Confirmation Class sponsored donations of food, cleaning supplies, gift cards and cash for the Community Angel Network for rescued cats and kittens.
April 2022, Teddy Bears and other stuffed animals were sent to children of Ukraine
April 2022, Our Easter Offering of $1531 was divided among Tent of Nations, UMCOR Native American Children's Fund, and the MUM Youth Mission Trip Fund!
April 2022, Our "Good as New" Used Book sale hosted by Lydia Circle raised $830 for missions.
June 2022, 4 members volunteered at the Eastbrook Mission Barn, verifying UMCOR kits and loading lumber for ramps
June 2022, MUM youth served in mission in Jumonville with Uth 4 Mission
August 2022, We donated school suppplies for families and schools in need
September 2022, We collected and donated UMCOR Cleaning Bucket items to be delivered to the District at our Church Confenece.
October 2022, We collected items and made Blessing Bags.
November 2022, we served a Thanksgivinmg meal and provided supplies (socks, underwear, hygiene items, backpacks) to those in need of dinner and fellowship.
November 2022, our Thanksgiving Offering of $1,520 went towards helping our MUM childen and youth attend summer church camp.
December 2022, our Magi Gift Donations were able to provide 75 gift cards ($25 each) to East End Coooperative Ministries, 135 gift cards or presents to students of Sunrise School for children with special needs and a monetary donation to Ward Home for at-risk teens.
December 2022, our knitting/crochet ministry provided scarves and hats to EECM when the youth group served the meal at the shelter.
December 2022, Lydia Circle, a women's fellowship and mission group within the church, donated a total of $2,050 to KDKA Turkey Fund, Gwen's Girls, Operation Safety Net, Operation Troop Appreciation, Fire Victims (preschool staff member), MUM Emergency Assistance Fund, World Central Kitchen, Ruth M. Smith Home, Heifer Project, UMCOR International and World Vision. Funds were donated through the sale of medallions for our Tree of Life, Spring Book Sale, Apple Pie Sale, Christmas Wreath Sale and love offerings from the group.
December 2022, our Christmas offering of $1716 was divided equally among Women's Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh, Habitat for Humanity, and UMCOR International Relief.
March 2023 - We raised $3,892 for victims of an apartment building fire which left 27 families in MOnroeville without homes. The money was raised through a spagetti dinner/silent auction and other donations.
April 2023 - Easter Offering of $1,490.50 was designated for Uth4Mission Summer Mission Trip, UMCOR US Disaster Relief, Doctors without Borders
April 2023 - Our "Good as New" Used Book Sale raised over $900 for missions.
Aug. 2023 - $756 donated by MUM members for the Garden City Food Pantry and was enhanced by the Pittsburgh Foundation on its Critical Needs day.
November 2023 - 199 gifts and gift cards were donated by the congregation through our Magi Project to East End Cooperative Ministries and Sunrise School in Monroeville through our Christmas Magi Project.
November 2023 - Our Thanksgiving Offering of $1,235 was designated to our Campership Fund to help our kids go to church camp.
November 2023 - Lydia Circle, a women's fellowship and mission group within the church, donated $1,700 to KDKA Turkey Fund, Cancer Bridges, Brothers Brother Foundation, Ruth M Smith Center and World Vision. Donation money was provided by individual members as well as fundraisers - Used Book Sale, Applesauce Sale, Tree of Life Medallion Sales.
December 2023 - Our Christmas Offering of $1939 was divided among Literacy Pittsburgh; Covenant House; Global Links
January 2024 - The Outreach Ministry portion of Craft Sale proceeds for 2023 was given to Bethlehem Haven, Persad, and Hugh Lane Foundation.
March 2024 - The Outreach portion of the Spring 2024 Craft Show was given to Playful Pittsbugh and Frances Fund of pmpmusicstudio, chosen by Fellowship & Outreach Ministries. $750 was divided between the 2 ministries. Another $750 was given to MUM's general budget for ministry.
April 2024 - Our designated Easter Offerings of $1915.15 were divided among Jeremiah's Place in Pittsburgh, Heifer Project, Four Corners Native American Ministry
April 2024 - Lydia Circle donated $300 of the used book sale funds to the Mission Barn, UMCOR depot in New Castle PA.
MUM Cares
Our Outreach Team collects donations of food and supplies on the first Sunday of each month for the Garden City Food Pantry. What a joy to see our shopping cart overflowing each month.
For November 2018 - Share the Love donated cleaning supplies to veterans' organization.
For December 2018 - Share the Love sent a gift of a hand-painted (by everyone) menorrah to the Jewsih neighbors of Tree of Life.
For January 2019 - Share the Love completed 70 Hygiene Kits for UMCOR
For February 2019 - Share the Love donated canned goods to Garden City Food Pantry
For March 2019 - Share the Love made cards of encouragement for our friends and neighbors in need of a lift.
For April 2019 - We donated items to the MUM Preschool in support of their program.
For May 2019 - We donated items to The Father's Heart Ministry
For October 2019 - We sent cards of encouragement to young UMC missionaries.
For December 2019 - We donated UMCOR Hygiene Kits to the Mission Barn
For January 2020 - We heard from our Mission Engagement Coordinator about how we can be in mission to others, and made "boredom kits" for kids in need.
For February 2020 - We donated items to Jeremiah's Place and had a presentation from their representative.
For March 2020 - We decorated Easter bags which were used for the Garden City Food Pantry Easter Egg Event.