

To contact our Youth Leader, Natalie Frydryck, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our youth fellowship program is available to all MUM youth and friends in grades 6-12.

Please contact our Youth Leader, Natalie, for information about meetings, events and the Youth e-newsletter.




Cookie Walk 2024


 The youth will bake cookies and prepare for the Cookie Walk on Friday, December 19 beginning at 6 PM








Our youth served at the conference Uth 4 Missions trip to Jumonville this summer to represent MUM and live our vision statement by Serving God, Sharing Love, Changing Lives. It was a time of mission work, fun, meeting new people from other churches and fellowship.

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To contact our Youth Leader, Natalie Frydryck, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our youth fellowship program is available to all MUM youth and friends in grades 6-12.

Please contact our Youth Leader, Natalie, for information about meetings, events and the Youth e-newsletter.







  Thanks to the congregation's support,  18 youth and chaparones attended the Conference SPARK event in Pittsburgh in January  2023.

youth Spark 2023



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Pictures from SPARK in Pittsburgh, January 2022!

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Pictures from our youth group Christmas party! We played a cup stacking game and a Saran Wrap ball game! We also decorated cookies to take home and played a streamer game, too!


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Thank you to our Youth for the beautiful Christmas Lights at MUM!

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Our Disc Golf at Monroeville Park offered lots of fun and fellowship. If you want to come to our other fellowship and fun events, check out our calendar below the pics., then contact Emily to be added to our event and e-mail list. NEXT UP: CORN MAZE! and TRUNK OR TREAT!


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 Uth 4 Missions

Jumonville, July 19-23

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Thank you to our Uth 4 Missions Team who Changed Lives during this summer's mission trip to Jumonville.


Please contact us at 412-372-7474 or